Annual Accounts
All Limited companies are required to submit either full or abbreviated accounts to Companies House annually; this is generally required within 9 months of the company year end. To reduce the accounting overhead for smaller businesses abbreviated accounts can be used to replace full account if two of the three below conditions are met.
•Annual turnover must be not more than £6.5 million
•The balance sheet total must be not more than £3.26 million
•The average number of employees must be not more than 50
Our complete Annual Accounts service ensures timely submission of either abbreviated or full accounts and the annual return.
Generally, small company accounts include:
•A profit and loss account
•A full balance sheet, signed by a director on behalf of the board and the printed name of that director
•Notes to the accounts
And they should be accompanied by:
•A directors’ report that shows the signature of a secretary or director and their printed name
We are experienced in the requirements of Charity accounts and prepare these for a number of clients. This experience enables us to lead trustees through the process of preparing trustees reports to the required standard. We also undertake charity accounts reviews as required under the Charities Act.
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